Beloved, we must know that the reason why men do not come to the Lord Jesus is because we do not know the thing that attracts, namely the gospel. It appears that most people, ignorant of what the gospel is, preach condemnation which makes men resist when they hear it.

First of all, knowing that the gospel is the power of God, because preached according to the rules of the art, will produce healings, deliverances, and so on.

Secondly, the gospel is good news that is difficult to believe, because of the serious nature of sin and the fact that everything happens by faith.

The gospel is the good news brought to reveal what was accomplished by Jesus Christ on the cross for the reconciliation of GOD the Father with men and the salvation of souls. (Romans 1:15-17).

Following what all other believers must know according to Ephesians 6:15, is that the gospel is for peace in the reconciliation of GOD with men through Jesus Christ. It is therefore not necessary to remind men of their sins and hell in parallel, because born with sin, everyone is aware of it, without being taught.

So, what the world would like to hear is that someone, namely: Jesus Christ, has already paid the price for the various evils that overwhelm them. And this is where faith comes in.
To know what GOD has planned for us, we must not abandon the gospel, in favor of the model of this present century, because the tragedy would be that it is the god of this century (satan) that we follow, which would be our loss.
To do this, it is the renewal of intelligence, which is the fact of listening, listening to the gospel, by attending worship services, which brings the transformation of our life.

Let us receive and publish the Gospel so that faith is produced in those who listen to it because it is by faith that we are justified without the works of the law (Galatians 5:4).

Thus, Being at peace with GOD and forgiven of all our sins because of the cross of Christ by Jesus is the good news that we must proclaim to the world not condemnation or judgments or hell.

It is therefore more than a call to preachers and servants of GOD to bring (sanctify) men to Jesus Christ so that he can purify them
In conclusion, let us know that it is the good news of the gospel of Christ that frees and saves lives. Therefore every believer has the duty to preach the good news for the salvation of souls by the power of the gospel and the righteousness of faith to whoever receives it favorably with the assurance of blessings of peace, favor and prosperity in all respects in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ.

May the name of Jesus Christ be glorified in our lives !


- Romans 12:2
- Romans 1:15-17
- Ephesians 6:15
- Galatians 5:4
- Romans 5:1
- Romans 1:16
- Hebrews 11:6
- Hebrews 11:12-13