Beloved, as Luke 10:19 reveals to us, the Lord has given us the power to walk on serpents and scorpions and on all the power of the enemy and nothing will be able to hurt us. Psalm 91:13 confirms this, for it is written: you will tread on the lion and the viper, you will trample the young lion and the dragon.

These different biblical passages prove to us sufficiently that when we are born again, we receive this power. And the spiritual kingdom knows it, to the point where the Christian no longer has to say each time he operates “in the name of Jesus” repeatedly. We have actually received the power to walk on serpents and scorpions and even on all the power of the enemy, so that nothing can harm us or resist us.

We indicate, firstly, that the serpents and scorpions spoken of here are identified with the spirits of the kingdom of darkness that attack us in the invisible and in several areas of our life. They are also comparable to the bad words that we throw at our neighbor, and act like venom deposited in the body after a snake bite.

Secondly, the power is: “IN THE NAME OF JESUS”; which means: to act AS JESUS. This is why it is written that those who have believed (my righteous will live by faith) in his name (Mark 16:17-18) will cast out demons, speak with new tongues, take up serpents, and if they drink deadly things it will not hurt them ...

In short, this is what is given to a child of GOD to exercise as power in order to walk on the works of the enemy and overthrow his plans.

Unfortunately, the observation is alarming because sometimes we lose sight of the fact that we have received authority over all these things and we spend time complaining. However, a Christian who is not aware of the power he has received will always be defeatist.

We are called to exercise this authority that we have received from the Lord in the name of Jesus.

However, the name of Jesus should not be used as a magic formula, otherwise the Christian would be no different from a marabout. We use this name by faith, when we are aware that Jesus has already overcome the power of the enemy for us and has given us his authority as he also did with the apostles and the seventy (Luke 10:16-18 and Luke 9:1) according to the holy scriptures.

Let us understand then that we have received all power in the name of Jesus to dominate over the reign of darkness and that we no longer have to complain when things are not going well but to exercise this power in the face of adversity. Finally, we must always give glory to God for our fulfillment and for all his benefits.

Let us remain abundantly blessed in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen


- Luke 10:19
- Psalms 91:13 and 14
- Mark 16:18
- Luke 10:16-19
- Luke 9:1-6
- Luke 10:5-9
- Isaiah 11:8
- Luke 9:9-10
- Mark 16:17-18