Beloved, born-again Christians in Jesus Christ, that we are instructed to charge our words with power implies that it often happens that they lose it and this because of ourselves. The reason for this loss of the power of the word comes from the fact that we deliver our tongue to evil,

to gossip, to slander and to slander, instead of blessing (indeed, we see God through our neighbor and his creation); in doing so, our words lose their power and each time we lose days or even months of life in the spiritual. Worse still, if this evil mouth is directed at the servants of GOD who himself takes charge of punishing the guilty.

Psalm 34, verses 13 to 15, sufficiently testifies to us with these words: who is the man who loves life, who desires to prolong it to enjoy happiness? Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit; Turn away from evil, and do good; Seek and pursue peace.

This word is well known to all: "life and death are in the power of the tongue." From Genesis, God gives Adam a mandate to give a name to each living being. And this word had power since it forged the character of each animal: the fierce lion, the wise turtle, etc. Genesis 2:19-20.

How then can we charge our word with power and reign?

Beloved, God our heavenly Father, in his very great love for us and his infinite mercy, delivered without a soul his Only Son, Jesus Christ, to save us. From the bosom of Jesus flow rivers of living water that we must drink (in other words, believe in Jesus) to have power and reign: John 7:37-39. After his departure, he sent us the new comforter that is the Holy Spirit descended at the 2nd Pentecost with speaking in tongues. And it is this speaking in tongues that charges our word and gives it power! We must therefore get drunk on the Holy Spirit.

As a sanctuary or temple of God, our mouth is the gateway that must let water or the word of God flow under its threshold. Thus, this water will cleanse the sea (crowd of believers) and its torrent (flow of words) will swarm with fish of various species, on its banks will grow trees with abundant fruits and whose leaves will be remedies throughout the year (Ezekiel 47: 8-12).

Ultimately, the born again Christian who wants to have the word of power and reign, enjoy life, must bless even his enemies, speak with spiritual songs (speak in tongues) and be grateful to God in all that he does.

Let us remain abundantly blessed in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen


- Psalm 34:13
- Psalm 34:12-15
- Genesis 2:19-20
- Matthew 17:19-20
- Romans 8:15
- 1 Peter 3: 10-11
- James 3: 2-5
- Psalm 132:13-16
- John 7: 37-39
- Hebrews 12:22
- Ephesians 5: 15-20
- Job11:6
- Ezekiel 47: 12
- Ezekiel 47: 1
- Ezekiel 47:8-11