Beloved, as the scriptures reveal to us, in Christ we are a new creature and old things have passed away and likewise all things in us become new (2 Cor 5:17). It is therefore clear in this context that our identity in Christ is renewed in the same matter as Christ and we begin to enjoy the many heavenly blessings among which one of the greatest: marriage.

Indeed, marriage is a divine institution and it is also a covenant between man and woman according to the will of God. The covenant is a union between a strong party and a weak party.

Therefore, since it is not good for man to be alone, then every Christian is called to marry his wife, the one designated by GOD (Genesis 2:18 and 24).

We insist on designated because of Isaiah 4:1, which reveals to us that seven women will seize one man because there are many called but only one chosen by man, the husband.

(Matthew 22:14)

If the blessing of GOD is not followed by any sorrow, how can we understand that marriage is a source of destruction in the Christian environment? First, it is because things are not done according to the instructions of the Lord; among which the betrothal. These must last 3 years and are a period of observation to allow lovers to commit themselves with full knowledge of the facts.

Second, things get better when there is repentance in a process where GOD was not concerned.

Marriage being an alliance, there is a spirit behind it whose guarantor is God. This alliance is based on 3 fundamental things: words, symbol and sacrifices (blood shed). Failure to observe the clauses of this covenant can lead to the failure of the marriage.

Now if things are done according to the rules of the art, both the man and the woman as husband and wife have responsibilities to assume and the book of Ephesians 5:22-29, defines it clearly for us.

Beginning with the man, he has the duty to love his wife "as Christ loved the Church" that is to say that he is called to sacrifice himself for her so that she is fully fulfilled and the woman, for her part, must be subject to her husband "as the Church is subject to Christ", by honoring him with praise, by magnifying him before all and by adoration, that is to say, by telling him good words of recognition of all that he does in good and in sacrifice for her well-being; and thus, the Holy Spirit who is the witness of all things since the beginning will come to sit in the middle of the couple and it will be perfect happiness to the glory of God, our heavenly Father.

Let us remain abundantly blessed in the name of Jesus Christ!!!



- Isaiah 4:1
- Matthew 22:14
- Ephesians 5:22-23
- Ephesians 5:25
- Ephesians 5:28-29.