Beloved, a normal life has only one meaning and not several.

In Christ, our new nature gives us the right to act on two territories: first in Heaven as sons of the kingdom (the spirit) and on earth as a representative / ambassador of Christ (the body). This is the reason why we must rejoice in Christ despite the fact that we may suffer afflictions that oppress our lives here on earth.

To do this, we must understand that in Jesus Christ, our rejoicing is not found in the goods of the earth under the sun; and the example with King Solomon in the Bible testifies to this sufficiently with all that he saw, did and accomplished under the sun, concluding that all this is only vanity of vanities and a striving after wind. (Ecclesiastes 1:1-3/ 2:8-9/ 1 Peter 1:6 and 8). There is therefore no need for you to indulge in all kinds of experiences. God, in his infinite love, warns you and shows you the direct path that leads to glory.

Where and how can we rejoice on earth as a Christian? In your local Assembly, by persevering in the teaching of the apostles, in fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers (speaking in tongues) by the Spirit which are the 4 pillars of our Christian faith.

This is why it is important to have a local Assembly where we persevere. We must avoid driving away the sheep that God Himself has courted; because it is God who loves us, Songs of Solomon 1:8.

In short, giving MEANING to one's life is making Jesus Christ reign in one's environment whatever the circumstances.

Let us remain abundantly blessed in the name of Jesus Christ!!!



- 1 Peter 1:6 and 8
- Ecclesiastes 1:1-3
- Ecclesiastes 2:8-9
- Songs of Solomon 1:1-8
- Psalms 133:3
- Acts 2:41-42/47
- Psalms 84:5-7