Beloved, spiritual fight exists, it is an everyday reality. This teaching will take place in 7 phases to grasp all its contours.

Most Christians think that spiritual combat consists of casting out demons. No!

Indeed, when we talk about spiritual fight, it is about the attacks, in waves, to the invisible of the enemy against us, often making us victims.

How does the enemy proceed? He attacks our thoughts which he erects as fortresses in our hearts. Thus, there are three elements that intervene in spiritual combat: the fighter, the fought and the battlefield.

The enemy's attack ground is our thoughts; the fought are the children of God and the fighter is the enemy.

Let us therefore remove this ambiguity by knowing that when we are attacked we do not have to fight against flesh and blood (for example, it is my aunt or my mother who blocks me), but against demons and spirits of darkness according to the order of battle that this passage of the Bible reveals to us in Ephesians 6:12.

Likewise, the weapons with which we fight are not carnal (salt, stone, anointing oil or perfumes, etc.), but they are powerful by the virtue of GOD to overthrow strongholds (reasonings in our thoughts, 2 Corinthians 10:4). Also, let us overthrow reasonings and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bring captive every thought (suggestions of the enemy) to the obedience of Christ.

This is why we no longer have to worry (Matthew 6:31-32): because Christ fought the enemy for us and defeated him at the cross by giving us His authority. So in Jesus Christ, we have received the authority to cast out demons. And when we are attacked in our thoughts, let us remember that we have received the helmet of salvation to face it, and with the shield of faith, let us declare with conviction what the Lord says about us so that it is established in the spiritual to our advantage, and if even the enemy wants to convince us of condemnation in a situation in our life, then let us remind him of the righteousness that we have received from our GOD by recognizing and proclaiming that we are the righteousness of God in this world in Jesus.

It is ultimately about moving from material things to a spiritual dimension where positive thinking dominates, because God our Father is looking for true worshipers, those who worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

Let us remain abundantly blessed in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen


- Ephesians 6:12
- 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
- Matthew 6:31-32
- 2 Corinthians 3:18
- Romans 5:19.