Beloved, the first thing to know is that: GOD wants us to be prosperous in all respects and to be in good health like our soul (3 John 1:2)

And GOD is always willing to give us what we ask Him but very often the problem at our level is that either we ask and we do not receive because we ask badly, in order to satisfy our passions (James 4:3) or we turn to the wrong direction to ask (man) while we have a GOD, our heavenly Father, capable of giving us beyond what we ask or think. And we must even add that our Father has already blessed us with all kinds of blessings in the heavenly places in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:3).

For this purpose, we no longer need to lament or envy others but simply turn to the one to whom all things belong and according to Haggai 2:8, gold and silver.

So what we ask of GOD is no longer work because Christ has already paid the price for us and the word of God clearly tells us in Isaiah 53:11 that it is the work of the soul of Christ that has fully satisfied the eyes of GOD and because of this what we must ask of GOD in our prayer requests is the salary according to our needs and it is thus that the Lord himself will take care at the same time to direct us to the means by which he will pass to bless us in finances with abundance according to his will. So it is our position in Christ that gives us money. And it is GOD who determines what he gives us and the means by which he does it.

So we no longer need to ask GOD for work in our prayers but rather for a salary based on the work of Jesus Christ on the cross and this is how GOD will provide not only our needs but also the means by which it will come.

May the name of Jesus Christ be glorified in our lives!


- 3 John 1:2
- James 4:3
- Hebrews 4:5
- Haggai 2:8
- 1 Chronicles 29:14
- 1 Chronicles 29:16
- Isaiah 53:11.