Beloved, today's teaching aims to get the Christian out of the position of one who reacts to situations he experiences. It will help the latter to anticipate future events by knowing how to interpret the signs.

The signs, in fact, announce a close and certain event. The awakened and knowledgeable Christian must, as soon as he perceives a sign, exercise his authority.

God himself, before his public manifestation, sent signs to the world. Since no one can see God and live, when he wanted to make himself known to men, he sent Jesus the man as his visible sign. This is what Isaiah 7:14 reports: "Therefore the Lord will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin will conceive and bear a son, and will call his name Emmanuel."

Throughout history, men have always been interested in the signs of the weather in order to give an interpretation. Thus, by observing the clouds, they are able to say whether the day will be rainy or sunny; or by observing the plants, they can determine the time of the harvests.

However, Jesus deplores this state of things where men can interpret the signs of the weather, but not the signs of the Son of Man. Indeed, men ignore the warnings that God gives them through what happens to their neighbor, to indulge in accusations or interpretations that give rise to judgments or condemnations.

Jesus firmly opposes this attitude of the Pharisees and Sadducees who see, in the blood of the Galileans mixed with that of their sacrifices by Pilate, or the collapse of the tower of Siloam on 18 people, a judgment or punishment from God because of their sins.

God, who is Love, gives us signs to warn us and to show us mercy. He is ready to give Egypt as a ransom for us. Hence this exhortation of Amos 3:7 "But the Lord, the Lord, will do nothing, unless he reveals it to his servants the prophets." We are a people of kings, prophets and priests.

God, who speaks to us sometimes in one way, sometimes in another, invites us to pay attention to all the signs he sends us. He even goes so far as to reveal himself to us even in our deepest sleep through visions or dreams. And since the Holy Spirit now lives in us, we are one with him.

We must therefore pay attention to the men of God, because we do not know when it is God or man who speaks. The word of God being "living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword" (Hebrews 4:12), the Christian must test everything by the word. He must always announce his subject of prayer to God.

In a word, faced with a sign of which God makes you a witness, you must rise up immediately and exercise your authority. When a bad prophecy is announced, it must be canceled in the name of Jesus and not wait to suffer the consequences to pray afterwards.

Let us remain abundantly blessed in the name of Jesus Christ!

Apostle Olivier FOANZ

- Isaiah 7:14. - Matthew 24:30
- Matthew 16:1-3
- Amos 3:7
- Luke 13:1-5
- Job 33:14-17
- 1 Corinthians 6:17
- Hebrews 4:12.