Beloved, let us not ignore it, not the born again Christian enters into a perpetual fight in the spiritual realm. In this fight, our enemy is not man but the devil who is behind all kinds of evil on earth.

This is the reason why the word of GOD reveals that we do not have to fight against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12) but against principalities, authorities, dominations and evil spirits. This is the order of battle of the demons who attack the children of GOD in the spiritual realm.

First, principalities are spirits that act in the spiritual by making negative suggestions in our thoughts unlike the Holy Spirit who makes positive suggestions to us. These principalities, powerful in strength, give power to act to the authorities and dominations. Indeed, the authorities are the spirits that establish these negative suggestions on the physical plane; while the dominations are spirits that watch to keep us in servitude in a situation; finally, the evil spirits are spirits that hurt us by afflicting us without ceasing, and their master, satan, uses accusations and guilt so that we are condemned.

Fortunately the good news is that by the redemptive work of the cross, Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit has given us the authority to walk on all the power of the enemy ( Luke 10:19 ); it is therefore legitimate for us, Christians, because Jesus Christ has triumphed over these authorities and dominations by publicly stripping them by the work of the cross ( Col 2:13-15 ).

This is the reason why we are no longer condemned and because of the grace given by Jesus Christ, we are justified by faith (Galatians 3:24-25).

We therefore have the duty to put on the armor of GOD indefinitely in order to resist the bad days against the enemy. And among these spiritual weapons, we have the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of Justice, the belt of truth (What GOD says about your situation), the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit (the word of God / prayer in tongues), the zeal of the Gospel (Ephesians 6:16-18).

In short, beloved, we must anticipate the attacks of the enemy and be attentive to the signs that the Lord reveals to us in our daily lives.

Let us remain abundantly blessed in the name of Jesus Christ!

Apostle Olivier FOANZ

- Ephesians 6:10-18
- Luke 10:19
- Matthew 28:18-19
- Mark 16:17-18
- Colossians 2:13-15
- Romans 4:19
- Galatians 3:24-25
- Isaiah 59:16-17,20-21
- Romans 11:26-27