Beloved, the notion of Rest like that of Grace arouses controversy and division among Christians. This results from the good or bad interpretation that we make of it. We must therefore have revelation to understand the ins and outs.

And in fact, as much as we recognize a woman by seeing her, we understand rest by living it. It is difficult to define in one word. Indeed, being in rest is like watching a football match already played and whose result is known in advance. In short, being in rest is carrying out a Restful Activity. Let us also emphasize that work is everything that generates worries in the soul (thoughts, physical efforts, works, etc.).

Beloved, what does the Word of God reveal to us on this subject? It is said that what you do without God's rest never works. In fact, God cannot fight at the same time as you; if you fight, He sits down, and vice versa. Faced with difficult situations in our lives, we must avoid looking for explanations because God "always delivers the righteous who falls 7 times". The illustration is given to us in Exodus 14: 11-12 and 13-14 where the people of Israel, caught between the armed troops of Pharaoh and the sea, are invited to "stay in place and keep silent" to watch the deliverance that the Lord grants them by fighting for them.

Beloved, by many examples, the Bible tells us of events in which God is against any perspiration that comes from the effort of the Christian's soul. We all know that after the fall of Adam, God cursed the earth. And the sweat that flows, following the efforts of man to tear crops from the earth, is proof of this curse. Hence this aversion of God for sweat, even for work. Fortunately for man, this curse of the earth was redeemed by the sweat of blood of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22: 44). This blood of Jesus flowed so that we enter into rest in all that we do.

Thus, grace through the sacrifice of Jesus has settled the problem of sin between God and the Christian.

But, since the wages of sin is death, the problem remains between Satan and the Christian. Indeed, Satan uses seduction by distorting the truth to make the Christian succumb who thus opens the door to him. This leads the Christian to experience many tribulations (illness, poverty, depression, doubt, etc.)

However, the Christian has a way out by using two words: what God says in his situation and the power he gives him to speak to this situation by ordering the thing to leave.

In short, the Christian must forget the past defeats which, very often, put him to work. He must strive to enter into God's rest by finding pleasure in his work, by rejoicing in his situation and by seeking first the kingdom and the justice of God *. Because, he walks in a *land of redemption because of the sweat of blood of Jesus. In doing so, God builds everything for him while he sleeps or rests.

Let us remain abundantly blessed in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen


- Exodus 14:11-14
- Psalms 23:5
- Ezekiel 44:17-18
- Luke 22:44
- Romans 8:19
- Genesis 18:12
- Isaiah 43:18-19
- Isaiah 54:1
- 1 Chronicles 22:2-3
- Psalms 127:1-2
- 1 Samuel 2:11
- Matthew 6:33
- Hebrews 4:9-11.