Beloved, we begin our remarks by specifying that this theme of teaching is as revealing as it is blessing and this because of GOD's love for us.

Indeed, it is GOD who manifests his love to us by the death of Jesus Christ. In other words, we cannot really claim to love GOD with all our heart, with all our strength or with all our soul (Deut 6:5) as we think, because it is the law.

But rather, the love of GOD has been manifested to us by the gift of Jesus Christ: grace. We must therefore be aware that it is GOD who fills our hearts with his love in Jesus Christ and it is this which pushes us to love him in return.

Hence this revelation of 1 John 4:9-10: the love of God was manifested toward us in that he sent his only son into the world so that we might live through him. Jesus was sent as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Is there greater love than to lay down one's life for those one loves?

We add therefore that it is the consciousness of the love of GOD through Jesus Christ that gives us to be healed of diseases, to be freed from poverty, from afflictions of the heart, to be always filled with joy, peace and justice: these are the unmerited graces of GOD.

In a word, we recognize the love of GOD when we realize that every blessing received comes from him or even when we honor him with our offerings and tithes. Speaking of the tithe: GOD does not look at the amount, but the heart. In other words, when we receive money, we immediately take away the tenth and set it aside for God. This amounts to a kind of verification to present something without defect to Him. This translates this word of the Holy Scriptures which affirms that it is the one who is alive who receives the tithe, but in the assembly, it is the mortals who take it.

Let us know that we serve a living GOD who has no variation and who is no respecter of persons and whose love overflows in our hearts beyond all things. This is why nothing can separate us from the love of GOD our Father in Jesus Christ (Romans 8:35-39) and in him we are more than conquerors because he accomplished everything on the cross for us.

Let us remain abundantly blessed in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen


- 1 John 4:10
- Deuteronomy 6:5
- Matthew 22:36-38
- 1 John 4:19
- Romans 8:37-39
- Isaiah 53:1 and 10
- John 21:12-15
- 1 John 4:17
- 2 Corinthians 3:18
- Luke 9:58
- John 19:30
- Romans 8:32-33.