Beloved, you need something from God at the beginning, at the beginning. You always need the Word of God at the beginning of everything.

Now, very often, the Christian begins to look for solutions to his problem and it is when he is blocked that he calls on God. ERROR!

Jesus says: "Come to me all you who are burdened and tired, and I will give you rest." Only, many people are burdened, but not tired. As long as you work, God rests; he puts himself aside!

The Christian who succeeds in his projects listens to the wisdom of God (either what God says or what he gives him), and not in the imitation of what others do. It is therefore necessary to contextualize every situation. Hence this statement from Proverbs 3:19 "It is by wisdom that the Lord founded the earth, it is by intelligence that he has established the heavens."

Beloved, God gives his children the strength to acquire goods. This passes through wisdom which is obtained by means of faith. Faith, in fact, is the currency of heaven. We must believe or see what we ask of God by asking him for wisdom.

However, the answer comes when we glory in tribulations, because our joy comes from the throne, cf Romans 5:3.

This produces in us patience which, in turn, generates the experience which installs us in hope.

Now, hope does not disappoint thanks to the love of God poured into our hearts. And the proof that it comes from God is the fact that he does not let you die of famine.

The definition of faith proposed by Hebrews 11:1 happens in two stages:

1) the assurance of the things that the Christian hopes for which is his portion,

2) the demonstration of those that are not seen which is accomplished by God.

So, faith is lived in the present or is in the present. When you finish praying, everything you see after comes from the answer by God. Is he not the one who provides seed to the Sower and bread for his food?

In a word, to be enriched in every way, we must ask for wisdom from God before all else. This is the new beginning.

Let us remain abundantly blessed in the name of Jesus Christ!!!



- Proverbs 3:19
- Psalms 104:24
- Jeremiah 51:15
- James 1: 5-6
- Romans 5: 1-5
- Hebrews 11:1
- Mark 11:23
- 2 Corinthians 9: 10-11