Beloved, the world we live in is in darkness. Thanks to the love of God that surrounds us and to Jesus, the Light of the world, we do not perceive this darkness because God has closed our spiritual eyes to prevent us from seeing these horrors.

The proof of this statement is that the devil, who prowls like a lion seeking to devour its prey, wants to finish off the Christian in his situation right away. A man who knows the ordeal of illness, for example, and who has suffered it for many years, it is simply because the devil has not yet had the opportunity to devour him.

In this world, the Christian is in combat; he is at war. And as happens in any good war, the belligerents each develop strategies; because it is in battle order that war is practiced. As much as God has angels that he sends for each mission, Satan has his demons (powers, authorities, dominations, evil spirits etc.) that he also commissions.

Beloved, fortunately for us Christians, God is always victorious because "He gives strength to the weary and multiplies the resources of the one who is exhausted." cf Isaiah 40:29.

But, as the devil never admits defeat, he multiplies tricks and lies to make the Christian fall.

However, it is a flash in the pan. God, who is without equal, God of eternity, makes the Christian triumph by spiritual weapons that he gives him (Ephesians 6:10-14).

Indeed, the fight is not physical, it is spiritual. Our enemies are not the men (flesh and blood) that Satan uses against us by possession, but the tricks of the devil.

So there are weapons that we must have (Have around your waist the belt of truth...) and those that we must put on or take (Put on the whole armor of God...).

Beloved, the main weapon that the devil wants to take away from us is the Word of God. Hence the importance of having the belt of truth. Let us know that the truth is what God says, and it is Jesus. Aware that it is the belt that keeps the pants firmly attached to the kidneys so as not to reveal our nudity, the devil seeks to cut the Christian off from Christ, the head of the church, to better destroy him by the desires of the flesh. Now, we all know that the will of the spirit opposes the will of the flesh. And if the Christian continues to sin despite the sacrifice of Jesus who erased all our sins, it is simply because of the awareness of sin that the devil maintains in him.

In short, beloved, to triumph over the mountain that hides behind your situation, you must have the belt of truth that makes you a new creation and gives you the right to enjoy all the blessings already given in Jesus by God. Thus, when Satan no longer finds (sees) the importance of pushing you to sin, he will move away from you forever.

Let us remain abundantly blessed in the name of Jesus Christ!



  • Isaiah 40:29
  • Ephesians 6:10-12
  • Ephesians 6:13-18
  • Ephesians 4: 21-22