Beloved, our faith must rest on three essential pillars: Jesus Christ, the local church and Israel for whom the Lord wants us to pray for his peace (Psalm 122:6).

The problem of many born-again Christians in the Church is poverty. It is so serious that one could be led to believe that this fact is normal or that the good Christian must necessarily take a vow of poverty.

To all this, we respond that it is a mistake to perceive things this way because to tell the truth, poverty is a sign of a curse and our GOD wants us to be prosperous in all respects and especially in finances.

Also, it is important for the Christian to be in a local assembly, where God is fearsome, and to take care of it to be blessed (Hebrews 10:24-25). And it is this local church that must receive tithes and offerings for its proper functioning.

If it is true that gold and silver belong to God and that he is our provider, why are we always stagnant?

Indeed, we ourselves are our own problem because of our heart and the Bible declares that where our treasure is, there our heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). To be more explicit, many children of God do not give their tithe to the Lord and yet it is a prescription of the Lord that each of his children should honor if he wants to be prosperous not only in his finances but even more in his ministry.

By ricochet, it is also a challenge to the servants of GOD to understand this and to pay their tithes so that their ministry is prosperous; because a servant of God who does not give his tithe to the Lord is stagnant and not only does the anointing not rise but also his church stagnates.

We must therefore understand first that the tithe represents the tenth part of our income and of all that we receive in an activity or from men.

Secondly, by giving our tithe to the Lord, we attest that Jesus Christ is alive in our life as a Christian. (Hebrews 7:8) And if we want to do things entirely, by ensuring that the redemption of the Lord is complete in our life of faith, we also take the holy supper which gives us to recognize that Jesus Christ died for us hence the redemption by the blood, while the redemption by the power consists in giving the tithe. This is why Jesus died and rose again so that we may be declared righteous.

It is therefore clear that when we give our tithe to the Lord Jesus Christ, we do good to ourselves and thus our heart begins to attach itself to this heavenly treasure: Jesus Christ.

Ultimately, let us know that tithing does not make us rich, it allows our income to be sanctified and secured by the Lord who threatens for us any spirit of claim (the devourer) hence the exhortation of each one to always pay his tithe to GOD so that prosperity in abundance and in all respects is always our share.

Let us remain abundantly blessed in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen


- Hebrews 10:24-25
- 1 Corinthians 14:23
- 1 Peter 5:5-6
- Psalms 122:6
- Deuteronomy 12:14
- Deuteronomy 8:12-14
- Hebrews 5:9-11
- Genesis 14:18-23
- Proverbs 3:9-11
- Hebrews 7:8.