Beloved, the Holy Spirit has been active in the lives of men since creation, but from Pentecost he comes to live in all believers. The Holy Spirit is the presence of God in us. To have the Spirit is to have Jesus himself. We receive the Holy Spirit or the Defender when we put our faith in Jesus Christ.

The gospel is the good news to be announced to all creation. Those who have received it are sometimes animated by an enthusiastic zeal and want to transmit it to their loved ones. At the risk of discouraging some, or even of curbing this evangelical zeal, the question of the mantle arises: "Who sent you?" Indeed, as far as the preaching of the gospel by the servants of GOD is concerned, this must be done when one is mandated otherwise there will be no result. The announcement of the gospel shakes the spiritual world. Powers of darkness rise up to thwart the spread of the message of salvation.

Would God thus abandon his servants who respond to the great Commission of Jesus: "go, make disciples of all Nations"?

No! Our God is a God of order and discipline. He wants to protect us from the forces of evil. First of all, our word must be a word of fire. Hence this exhortation from Jeremiah 5:14 "Therefore, thus says the Lord, the God of the universe: Because you have spoken this, I will put my words in your mouth so that they will be fire, and this people will be only wood; they will be devoured by the flames." This is to say that we must receive God's permission before going to speak to someone about Jesus. Jesus himself did not deviate from this rule. After coming out of the waters of baptism, he received the power of the Holy Spirit who descended upon him. Beloved, Jesus enjoined the 120 disciples gathered in the Upper Room not to leave Jerusalem until the descent of the Power from on high promised by the Father, the Defender and Comforter or the Holy Spirit. Indeed, the apostles, having witnessed the resurrection of Jesus and having been taught for 40 days, were burning with desire to go and bring this good news to the whole world. BUT, Jesus asks them to wait for the Power when the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, descends upon them. This "BUT" of Jesus is of capital importance in our days and a warning to all those who are in a hurry to go and lay hands on them, in other words, to go and evangelize! John 14:26 "BUT, the Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and remind you of all that I have said to you."

Hence the importance of speaking in tongues which allows to create an environment of wonder of the Lord because it deploys the power of resurrection of GOD.

Beloved, getting up without authorization or cloak exposes you to being accountable to both God and the powers of evil. These powers will want to know your real position. It is not because things seem to be working that God agrees with you; God does not repent of his gifts. He will ask you for accounts again. It is for your own good that he asks you to wait, to be patient. And patience is a fruit of the Spirit. So let us not be more royalist than the King!

Let us remain abundantly blessed in the name of Jesus Christ!

Apostle Olivier FOANZ

- John 14:16-18
- John 16:13
- Acts 2:14-17
- Acts 1:8
- Jeremiah 5:14
- Acts 2:2-4
- Acts 4:4-9
- Acts 1:4-6
- 1 Corinthians 12:8-11
- Psalms 16:8-11.