Beloved, Jesus said: "It is finished!" In other words, everything the Christian seeks outside is given from within. It is the lack of knowledge that makes him perish, because nothing surprises God.

To illustrate, let's take two images: 1) a man buys a big brand vehicle, full options, and he still goes to complain to the manufacturer that it lacks air conditioning!;

2) two baskets are offered to two men, one full of peanuts, the other full of earth. The one who chooses the basket of peanuts is the man of a moment or of the immediate, lacking faith; while the one who chooses the basket filled with earth is full of wisdom, because he can obtain everything. For this, it is enough that he has the seed: good seed! This is the dilemma of many Christians who often claim to have faith, but a faith that is not active! Hence this exhortation from Paul to Philemon 1:6 "I ask him that your participation in the faith may be effective and make known all the good that we accomplish for the cause of Jesus Christ." Beloved, this is to say that our faith begins to act as soon as we find what is good in us for Jesus! Indeed, this Jesus, in whom dwells bodily all the fullness of the divinity of God, dwells in us by the Holy Spirit who is given to us by the Father according to the promise of Jesus, cf. Colossians 2:9-10.

Let us therefore be careful about the words that we release. By speaking evil of our body, we deny the presence of the Spirit of God in us. In doing so, we cannot have faith. God, by his presence in us, gives us everything. We have everything in Jesus. For example, the wound of Jesus absorbs our illnesses from the inside when we take the Holy Supper.

If at creation, God did not use all his power, it is at the resurrection of Christ that he deployed it.

Dear Christians, the button that allows us to benefit from the presence of God in us is the good seed which is the word of God. Permanent exposure to this good seed allows us to have a spirit of wisdom and revelation. Thus, we will no longer see with the eyes of the heart, but with the word of God.

It is the knowledge of this word that "reveals to us the mystery hidden from all ages, but now revealed to his saints: CHRIST IN US!", according to Colossians 1:26-29.

In conclusion, beloved, Jesus is greater than all creation. If God lives in you, what is your dimension? And how big is your illness or problem? The Resurrection Power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. Be aware of it and use it well! The miracle is in your mouth every day, be the best prophet of your life by finding what is good in you for Jesus.

Let us remain abundantly blessed in the name of Jesus Christ!

Apostle Olivier FOANZ

- Philemon 1:1-6
- Colossians 2:9-10
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
- 1 John 4:17
- Luke 8:11
- Ephesians 1:16-23
- Romans 10:6-9
- Colossians 1:26-27
- Philemon 1:6