Beloved, is Jesus enough for us? This is the question we ask but it is also the one that every born-again child of God should ask themselves.

To illustrate this, by examining the word of God in John 14:7-8, Phillippe, one of Jesus' disciples asks him to show them the Father (GOD), saying: Lord, show us the Father and that is enough for us despite the presence of Jesus and all that he was doing with them.

It is a bit, one can say, an act of unbelief towards Jesus that Philip manifested and it is also the case for many Christians for whom Jesus is not enough.

So, it is a mistake to think like that or to live one's faith in such a way by believing in certain things that Jesus is able to do for us and others not. In the limit it is to limit GOD and to be unbelieving reason therefore not to be surprised because our faith is mediocre. Now the Bible reveals to us in Ephesians 3:20 that GOD can do, by the power that works in us, infinitely beyond what we ask or think.

In addition, the Lord always forms for his sons and daughters plans of peace and happiness not of misfortune (Jeremiah 29:11) So we must understand that GOD is our solution in every situation through Jesus Christ. Because he has perfectly accomplished everything for us.

So we must believe by faith what is said about our problem or situation in the word of God otherwise we will be defeated and frustrated.

Sometimes also our body and our soul are barriers to the manifestation of our faith if we attach ourselves too much to what we feel and not to what we believe by the Spirit (that is faith)

Let us understand, beloved, that it is in our interest that we manifest faith by believing by the Spirit in our hearts what Jesus has done for us and it is thus that we will be abundantly blessed by enjoying all the spiritual blessings that he has placed in our lives because of the exchange at the cross (health, healing, wealth, salvation, glory etc ...).

Since the greatest proof that attests to us that GOD has already blessed us and that he loves us is that Christ died for us (Romans 5:8 and John 3:16).

So, let us know that Jesus Christ is largely and infinitely sufficient for us in all the situations of our lives.

May the name of Jesus Christ be glorified in our lives!


- 2 Corinthians 4:7
- Ephesians 3:20
- Isaiah 9:6
- 1 Timothy 3:16
- John 14:3-8
- Matthew 18:20
- Hebrews 13:5
- Luke 16:27-31
- Romans 5:8-9
- John 3:16
- 1 John 4:8
- Luke 24:15-17.