Beloved, the word of God is the truth. After revealing to us how to charge our word with power to reign, today, it shows us how a Christian walks in the supernatural.

It is important to understand that satan, our eternal enemy, is a supernatural being, a real spirit, who wants to lead Christians to live in the natural world. Hence this inclination to want to use materials such as stones, oils and other sacramentals to defeat him. Error!

Since creation, nature has been made so that it wants to bless us, but Satan has spoiled everything. In this context, we Christians cannot face this enemy in the natural, but rather in the supernatural because he is a spirit.

In this regard, the word of God recommends us in Ephesians 5:15 to 17: to take heed to walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, and to redeem the time because the days are evil.

Therefore let us not be unwise, but let us understand what the will of the Lord is.

We must therefore redeem the time because the days are not good. The wise man redeems time by learning to count the time each day. Indeed, the length of our life is consumed by the wrath of God, Psalm 90: 9-10 and Isaiah 54:7-8 .

Fortunately for us, because of the sacrifice of Jesus, God is no longer angry with us. On the contrary, "He has filled us with length of life and made us see his salvation." ( Psalm 91:16 ). This is how the Bible tells us about many servants of the Lord such as: Abraham, King David and Job who, because of grace, died after a happy old age, filled and satisfied with days, riches and glory.

They all knew how to redeem time. And how do we redeem time?

Well, it is simply by remaining in praise to the Lord according to what the word of God reveals to us in Ephesians 5:18-19. Indeed, when we praise the Lord, something comes out in the physical and something enters spiritually. We are thus filled by the Lord and this gives the Holy Spirit the ability to reveal to us the will of GOD in a specific situation within us. GOD does not act in the future, He answers us instantly. We must therefore learn to listen to Him in calm, and it is the Holy Spirit who gives us this ability to listen to receive the will of the Father and act. Is it not said that GOD sits in the midst of the praise and worship that we give Him by exalting the work of the cross of Christ Jesus?

Beloved, in the same way that by confessing evil with our tongues our days of life are cut off, it is in the same way that by praising GOD with the words of our mouths, we are filled with the Spirit and this gives the capacity to the Holy Spirit to work for us in the supernatural, revealing to us the will of the Lord

It is therefore essential to praise the Lord a lot and to worship Him in truth and in spirit by psalms, hymns, spiritual songs whatever the circumstances of our life.

In conclusion, the great wisdom of Solomon who pronounced 3000 sentences came to him from the fact that at the same time, he composed 1005 songs! Thus, "his doors or praises remained constantly open, day and night, to let the resources of the nations enter into him, as well as their kings in procession", Isaiah 60:11. Let us therefore constantly praise the Lord to attract the angels and the Holy Spirit.

Let us remain abundantly blessed in the wonderful and glorious name of Jesus Christ! Amen


- Ephesians 5:15-17
- Psalms 90:9-10
- Isaiah 54:7-8
- Psalms 91:16
- Genesis 25:8
- Job 42:17
- Ephesians 5:18-20
- 1 Chronicles 29:28
- Isaiah 60:1 and 5
- Isaiah 60:11 and 18.