Beloved, if you are made to believe in the walk of faith that the winds will no longer blow against you, then without risk of deceiving us it is seduction, because all the children of God born again have in front of them the enemy at all levels of their life, with the only difference with the pagans that, it is GOD who fights for them.

Indeed, we, as Christians, are often blocked in many situations in our lives because we limit GOD and all this because of unbelief. Sometimes we feel that we cannot receive certain blessings because it is not GOD's time or that we do not have the means to acquire what we desire; well all these motivations are not good before the Lord because it is written in Ephesians 3:20 that GOD can do or act in our favor by the power that works in us infinitely beyond what we ask or think.

This means that everything is possible for the one who believes So the problem is not GOD but it is us and unbelief or lack of faith Now in John 14:1 it is written: Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God, believe in me And Jesus even adds in another portion of the scripture that if we have faith like a grain of mustard seed then we will order the mountains in our lives and they will go and throw themselves into the sea.

But unfortunately instead of manifesting faith we manifest our fear and that is why we fail in many things and if we continue to like to say that we are waiting for GOD's time as for some then we run the risk of never seeing the thing come true and it can happen that we think that the Lord does not love us or that he does not act but it is a serious error to believe things in this way.

What must therefore be understood beloved, is that GOD who is faithful in graces and favors out of love for us has already provided everything for our needs; we just need the ingredient faith to bring to us these blessings of heaven in the visible by the power of resurrection which is in us.

This is what we can see with the case of the woman with the issue of blood who had been sick for twelve years and had spent all she had to get treatment but without follow-up and it was only when she resolved in herself (in her interior by faith) to touch Jesus on the hem of his garment that healing came and she was immediately healed. Same thing with the apostle Peter who walks on the water because his gaze is fixed on Jesus but sinks into the water or the boat when his gaze turns away from Christ because of the fog and fear because he no longer sees Jesus (they see a ghost) But was rescued by the Lord Jesus Christ when he cried out: Lord save me (Matthew 14:30).

And according to what is written in Matthew 14:32, they got into the boat and the wind ceased.

We want to remind every child of GOD through this message that whatever the situation you are going through Jesus is your solution you just have to activate the power of resurrection that is in you by faith and so because there was an exchange at the cross then the sick will receive healing, the poor will see wealth, the oppressed will be comforted, he who has no house will be able to live even where he has not built and much more because the ways of the Lord are supernatural and blessing for all those who fear his name.

Let us remain abundantly blessed in the name of Jesus-Christ!


- Matthew 14:22-27
- John 14:1
- Ephesians 3:20
- Matthew 14:28-31
- John 6:21.